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Saturday, August 28, 2010

For a new you

Here's how to live the fat-burning life without making too many changes to your lifestyle-

When you work out and the pounds still don't come off, it can be frustrating. But, certain habits and physical changes can undermine even the most scientifically-proven weight loss strategies, especially after you reach age 40. These four fat-fighting tips can help turn the tide.

Make some extra muscle

After 40, your body's metabolism begins to decline at a rate of two to four per cent per decade, and weight loss can slow it down even more. Part of the reason is that it's nearly impossible to slim down without losing some muscle — your body's calorie-burning engine — along with the fat. Each pound you shed is about 70 per cent fat and 30 per cent muscle. But you can counteract the effect.

Lift weights thrice a week

It's the fastest way to build muscle and get results when the scale is stuck. In an eight-week study, women and men who did only cardio lost four pounds but gained no muscle, while those who did half the amount of cardio and an equal amount of strength-training shed 10 pounds of fat and added two pounds of muscle.

Do double-duty moves

Trade exercises that isolate a single muscle for multi-joint, multi-muscle moves such as chest presses and squats. The more muscles you engage at once, the more calories you'll burn.

Break up your meals

If you're losing weight by cutting calories, eating five small meals instead of three large ones helps keep metabolism high.

Outsmart a plateau

As you drop weight, your body doesn't have to work as hard simply because there's less of you to move around. That means your workouts produce a smaller calorie burn

Get your heart rate up

Watching TV or reading while you exercise can lower your workout intensity — and your calorie burn. For best results, stay between 60 and 80 per cent of your maximum heart rate (MHR).


The more comfortable you become with a workout routine, the less effective it gets. So, challenge your body in new ways.

Be a stealth calorie burner

Studies show that some people move less after they begin an exercise regimen.

The reason for the slowdown may be post-workout fatigue or the perception that if you exercise, you can afford to skimp on the small stuff. Wrong!

Did you know that activities such as standing instead of sitting, fidgeting, and walking more throughout the day can add up to an extra 350 calories burned per day?

Track non-exercise activity

Record your daily step counts with a pedometer on a couple of days when you don't work out. Then, calculate your average, and maintain at least this level of activity every day; else, your fat-burning ability will decline.

Post reminders

One study showed that signs encouraging people to take the stairs increased usage by 200 per cent. To motivate yourself, stick notes that say: ‘Move more'.

Set up weekly physical outings

Plan a hike or bike ride with your family, help clean out a friend's garage, or volunteer to walk your neighbour's dog.

Halt hunger hormones

In a study of 35 overweight women and men, published in the International Journal of Obesity, researchers found that some of them compensated for their workouts by eating as much as 270 extra calories a day — negating more than half the calories they burned.

Snack before you sweat

“Exercising on an empty stomach lowers blood sugar, which can increase your appetite and set you up to overeat afterward.

To ward off post-exercise hunger, have a light (about 100 calories), carbohydrate-rich snack, such as four ounces of yogurt or a banana, 20 to 30 minutes before you work out.

Write before you eat

Keeping a food diary is a proven weight loss tool. When you record what you're going to eat, it puts your dietary habits on pause long enough to decide if your food choices are really worth it.

Time your meals

If possible, schedule your workouts before a meal. In studies where meals were served 15 to 30 minutes after exercise, participants ate less than those who had to wait an hour or more to eat.

Sip often

People who drink water regularly eat nearly 200 fewer calories daily than those who only consume tea, coffee, or soda, reports a University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill study.

Bonus: Make it ice-cold water. German researchers found that drinking six cups of cold water a day raised metabolism by about 50 calories daily. And, every little bit helps!



(The Hindu, 28:08:2010)




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